D.A.N.A. Fitness strives to aid people in achieving there fitness goals, make fitness a part of everyday life, and promote healthy living through personal and group training.





D.A.N.A. Fitness
Website, Logo, Branding
June 2017
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D.A.N.A. Fitness is led by Kalvin Bridgewater (a.k.a. Bridge), who creates custom programs for his clients and has a testimony of weight loss and fitness to backup his conditioning & strength programs. The website not only provides information on the services and details about D.A.N.A. Fitness, but also highlights other fitness programs and trainers.

The Inspiration

"I have lost numerous family members to health problems but none hit harder than losing my mother, Dana. My mother started her fight with heart disease when I was 7 years old. Imagine being a child and thinking a breathing tube down your mother's throat was the norm. I watched her fight for her life for 11 years and I never once heard her complain. She had determination, attitude, nerve, and authority over her circumstances. That is how D.A.N.A. Fitness was born." - Bridge